Yesterday, I got banned from uploading audio files onto my account because a moderator discovered that one of the songs I wanted to upload contained possible infringement to an existing song, which is "Mirror Mirror (Remix)" by DJ Randy. I used GarageBand to compose my song, but I had no idea it bore any similarities to "Mirror Mirror" until I looked it up. I listened to the instrumental version of the song, and I think I know why my song was flagged. It's probably because both my song and "Mirror Mirror" were made by GarageBand and use the same looping guitar track. However, I really don't think I plagiarized Mirror Mirror, though. It's more like a coincidence, if you ask me. I did not sample DJ Randy's track, as I made the song completely on my own in GarageBand. Just because the song has the same looping guitar track doesn't mean I copied DJ Randy's song.
But now I can't upload any audio files and I have until a few days to appeal against my so-called "infringement". I filled out the ownership details, but now I don't know what to do next. What do you think I should do to get unbanned?