When you and your girlfriend are wearing matching shirts, it's a sign that she wants to show your friends just how cool you are as a couple.
When you and your girlfriend are wearing matching shirts, it's a sign that she wants to show your friends just how cool you are as a couple.
The 1920s…What a time for cartoons to come to life.
It's not easy having a snail for a girlfriend.
I bet the poems Garfield writes are about his love for lasagna and hatred for Mondays.
Ofc he does
Kirby is always dreaming about food.
Poor dog…
Wearing matching shirts that say "I Am Peace" is a lot better than wearing shirts that say "I'm With Stupid".
The perfect pet for a teenage robot.
Unfortunately, he might not be able to make it into Smash in real life. Only video game characters who are officially licensed by Nintendo can get into Super Smash Bros., so non-video game characters or non-Nintendo-licensed characters won't have any chance. The only exception was Sora, because even though his games were originally licensed by Disney, Nintendo got permission to license the Kingdom Hearts games, too. But for other characters like Kermit, well, one can dream.
This is why reindeer don't drive cars. They can be really crazy drivers.
Hi! My name is Joy. I'm a bit of a cartoon, video game, and YouTube geek, and I'm here to share some of my art, music, and maybe some animations. I think that's it for now…Enjoy my work here on Newgrounds!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Joined on 12/13/20