You know, I think Cookie Run did a collaboration with Disney and included a few Disney characters in the game. Ariel was one of them.
You know, I think Cookie Run did a collaboration with Disney and included a few Disney characters in the game. Ariel was one of them.
yeah they did, also they did this exact reference on the islands event, I just did a frame recreation based on that.
Like father, like daughter.
Just a sweet, friendly bond between mother and daughter.
I sure can't wait for the full version of FNF to release so we can finally see Boyfriend square off against Hank like he was planned to.
Lol that's why I made this so I can have a pre planned thumbnail for whenever I upload game play of the new version 😂
Those expressions fit her surprisingly well.
Ooh, very nice!
These girls are those kind of friends who will always have your back.
Hi! My name is Joy. I'm a bit of a cartoon, video game, and YouTube geek, and I'm here to share some of my art, music, and maybe some animations. I think that's it for now…Enjoy my work here on Newgrounds!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Joined on 12/13/20