I didn't know she could fly by flapping her ears.
I didn't know she could fly by flapping her ears.
She always could.
Who doesn't love a nice, cool, fizzy Coke?
The emprise who make Coca-Cola is named "Coke"
Judging by the nosebleed Boyfriend is having, Girlfriend's outfit makes her look more babe-a-licious than ever.
She must be pretty tired out from a long day of funkin'.
Long before Matt joined the crew and Tom had the unibrow replaced with the two black holes for eyes.
Don't you just hate it when a ginger-haired neko boy sneaks into the vending machine and snatches the bag of chips you were hoping to get once you put in that dollar?
Although she is usually a sweet and caring little bunny, you definitely do not want to get on her bad side, especially when she has a knife with her.
She's one of the hottest video game ladies that fans are crazy into, that's fo' sho'.
Yeah, I can honestly see why.
He looks just like his movie counterpart played by Devon Bostick.
Hi! My name is Joy. I'm a bit of a cartoon, video game, and YouTube geek, and I'm here to share some of my art, music, and maybe some animations. I think that's it for now…Enjoy my work here on Newgrounds!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Joined on 12/13/20