How lovely!
How lovely!
Thank You :)
Who can forget Pinconjo, the Wario to Pico's Mario? This guy is basically the biggest troll in the Newgrounds world, always wanting to be "the king of the portal" and often claiming he "pwned" his enemies after defeating them. And no matter how many times he dies, he'll just keep coming back to life. No wonder a lot of people hate him. But despite this, he does have a considerable-sized fan base, and he knows his fans love him.
Exactly! This man is a menace to society and must be stopped (In some way...)
Chocolate and mint go together like peanut butter and jelly, and it looks like these two Kirbys think so, too.
That sounds so cute!
Thank you for your comment!!
It's kind of disappointing that Cartoon Network never greenlit Trick Moon into a full series. But hopefully, it will get its own series someday. Who knows?
I have ambition to buy the rights myself honestly.
"Frogs for sale! Buy one, get one free! Ribbit, ribbit!"
One frog is more expensive, so you buy the cheaper frog to get the pricier one for free. He rewards good attention spans.
This kind of makes sense, because Mommy Long Legs was inspired by the Betty Spaghetty dolls.
Exactly my thought process. Surprised no one had done it before at least not that I know of.
Wow. Epic fail.
ty :)
Oh, poor Tails. He's not safe from those obsessed fangirls.
The plot is that Bf and Gf were randomly teleported to Sonic's world. Gf saw tails and adored him them BOOM! You see this picture
BF's sure got some moves.
Thats for sure
Hi! My name is Joy. I'm a bit of a cartoon, video game, and YouTube geek, and I'm here to share some of my art, music, and maybe some animations. I think that's it for now…Enjoy my work here on Newgrounds!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Joined on 12/13/20