Looks like Hello Kitty is Sonic's number one biggest fan.
Looks like Hello Kitty is Sonic's number one biggest fan.
It's a shame that this Moshling was replaced by Baby Rox after the company behind Moshi Monsters got sued by Lady Gaga for making a character that was supposed to be a parody of her.
yeah it really pissed me off back in the day lmao
From what I heard, Sweet Tooth doesn't take too kindly to being asked what their gender is, as the last Monster to ask ended up in the hospital, wearing a gobstopper.
Yeah I know that
Those are some pretty cool outfits.
Looks like all the pressure of a superhero's job finally took its toll on Violet, huh?
It's always someone's unbirthday when Frosty arrives.
Indeed! Frosty's interesting like that. :)
Well, now that's quite an...interesting pairing.
Looks like Pico has more weapons with him other than his gun. Boyfriend better be careful.
Hi! My name is Joy. I'm a bit of a cartoon, video game, and YouTube geek, and I'm here to share some of my art, music, and maybe some animations. I think that's it for now…Enjoy my work here on Newgrounds!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Joined on 12/13/20